Senior Section – Boys (South)
We believe that for the students to progress it is imperative that we direct their thoughts and harness the display of sentiments, because for us to mould and shape their personalities it is necessary to ensure that there exists no contradiction between their thoughts and their sentiments. Furthermore, these personalities that we are trying to build should also become an integral and active part of the society in which they live. The boys section has a school council which has a Head boy, Games Head & House Prefects. In order to achieve excellence, In the boys section we have split boys into different houses where the boys get a chance to compete amongst themselves in games and co-curricular activities. A very healthy sense of competition is created in Sports & Games in this way which also develops a spirit of belonging or loyalty to their respective houses & discipline amongst the students. We are offering O Level examination and offer both Arts & Science subjects. Students are producing satisfactory results. Faculty is highly qualified & competent. This makes the school a very rich environment for learning and growing.

Senior Section – Girls (North)
The senior section comprising of classes from Grade V to Grade XI O’ levels, considers its foremost duty to educate the students to reach their full potential in a dynamic Islamic centered learning environment. In order to achieve excellence the students are split into different houses (Buraq, Saif, Toor & Minar). The direction of the studies is according to the final O’ Levels exam. They are taught a variety of subjects like I.T, Food & Nutrition, Business Studies, Sciences & Arabic. Besides the regular languages, History, Geography and Tarbiah subjects are also taught in the school. Highly qualified and experienced teachers instruct students in the subjects listed. We have both regular and visiting faculty who endeavour to bring out the best in the students. A student’s council is elected annually from the O’ Level Section to coordinate between the students and staff during school activities and functions. It is their responsibility to arrange school events with the help of the teachers and also help to maintain discipline. The teacher – student relationship is open, trusting and supportive. The students of O’ Level section have a formal schedule of classes in individual subjects, in order to prepare for the external examinations. Though the classes are more formal, they have a friendly and lively atmosphere, and by this point in their education the children know very well how to use their teacher as a resource.